Wednesday, 28 August 2013

First Post

Was thinking to start a blog from a long time, but every time delayed it . But not this time as I can't control myself from sharing views about one of the all time greatest movies. Well, I will give you a hint,  it stars Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman in lead roles.

Yes, you have guessed it right and sorry, no prizes for guessing that. Its none other than The Shawshank Redemption . The tagline says, "Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free". If you haven't watched it, do watch it today, if you have already, still watch it again.
Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.

Here is the trailer of the movie released in 1994,  which currently has a rating of 9.3 on IMDb and was nominated for 7 Oscars.

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